Monday, December 17, 2007

Candle Making Equipment: Different Items For Different Types Of Candles

For those who aspire to making their own candles, there are a few options open to them including starting from scratch to make the candles, using wax crystals and finally, trying out the latest in candle making methods – gel candles. Whatever option you opt for, you would still need the proper candle making equipment, and so you should consider a few options in this regard as well.

Raw Paraffin Help Makes Better Quality Candles

It is a fact that the better quality candles are those that are made out of raw paraffin that is in it available in ten pound slabs and even in one pound slabs. To that, you need to add color as well as luster and some hardener and even scent, and then you can pour the mixture. The next item of candle making material that must be used is stearine that helps in hardening the paraffin and is available as powder - much like luster crystals.

If you want your candles to look shiny, you may need to use opaque crystals while the use of clear crystals would help give the finished candle more luminescence. After you get the look of the candle out of the way, you need to look at other candle making material, and that is the type of wick that you think will fit your candle, and there are sizes that vary from one inch, all the way up to six inches to choose from. And, you can add some braided wicks if you are thinking of making dipped/free standing candles, or if you want container candles, you can use wire core instead.

You also need wick anchors that are another item of candle making equipment that will secure your wick at the bottom of the container candle, and the wick can be inserted in the anchor’s center where there is a hole for the purpose, and to secure the wick, there are tabs that can be pressed down with the help of a screwdriver.

Mostly, the color of your raw paraffin is white, which means that in order to color your candles, you need to dye the candle and of course, you have many colors to choose from, and a dye cake has six squares to it, with each square being able to dye approximately five pounds of wax. You may also wish to create scented candles and these candle scents come in squares having six wafers and one wafer can scent five pounds of wax, and you can use as much scent as is required.

The other basic candle making equipment that you will need to create your candles are something in which the wax can be melted, and also specialized molds that are candle making equipment that are available in different shapes and sizes, and cylindrical, round and votive as well as floaters are good examples of these candle making equipment. Finally, you will also need candle making equipment in the form of containers for your candles that should be heat resistant and using metal or glass or ceramic would make for great candle containers. And, before you forget, you need candle making equipment such as a soft wooden strip as well as a pin which can secure the wick to the container’s or mold’s top.

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